Monday, January 26, 2009

Vitamin D: Avoiding the 'Toxic Soup' Flu Vaccine

During the fall of 2007 my mother was diagnosed with melanoma, an aggressive, fast-growing form of skin cancer. Thankfully, the cancer was found early and although she did have surgery (where a huge chunk of skin was removed above her rib cage), she's completely cancer-free in 2009.

Unfortunately, she now has to have her entire body scanned every six months for malignant growths and as her daughter, so do I. Because I have a parent diagnosed with melanoma, my chances of having a malignant growth increase 75%. Not good odds, eh? I simply can't explain how embarrassing it is bending over and spreading my butt cheeks so my dermatologist can evaluate my skin for lesions. Even worse is knowing one of these days, odds are, she'll find something cancerous.

Obviously, when mom was diagnosed, I jumped on-line and started researching everything I could find about melanoma (you've probably noticed...I'm a big researcher). It's a scary cancer. If it's not found in time, the mortality rate is nearly 100%. This, in particular, makes our bi-yearly checks especially important.

However, on every single site I visited, it was recommended that people with melanoma or a risk for melanoma avoid sunlight at all costs. Many of the sites stated, "If you have to be in the sunlight, use copious amounts of sunscreen, wear big hats and long sleeve shirts." Essentially, if you're going to be outside, cover every inch of skin so it won't be exposed to sunlight. And yes, our dermatologist made the same suggestions.

Avoiding sunlight isn't wise and I believe it's a travesty people are being made to believe the sun is the enemy.

As long as you're getting sun exposure moderation...your body is able to produce adequate amounts of Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D has been proven to not only prevent the flu, but cancer as well. There's also evidence it can help osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, seasonal affective disorder, and psoriasis.

In this entry, because we're in the midst of the dreaded flu season, I'm focusing only on Vitamin D and it's effects on cold & flu. Indeed, the flu vaccine is completely unnecessary and should be avoided at all costs.

Here's why according to Dr. Joseph Mercola:

1. The majority of of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of
mercury; an amount considered unsafe for anyone weighing less than 550
pounds! And which groups are most sensitive to the neurological damage that
has been associated with mercury? Infants, children, and the elderly...the same
groups the CDC pushes hard each year to get vaccinated.

2. No studies have conclusively proven that flu shots prevent flu-related
death among the elderly, yet this is one of the key groups to which they’re

3. If you get a flu shot, you can still get the flu (or flu-like symptoms).
This is because it only protects against certain strains, and it’s anyone’s
guess which flu viruses will be in your area.

So why would you take a flu shot – EVERY YEAR -- that has NEVER been proven to be effective, that can give you the very illness you’re trying to prevent, and has potential long-term side effects that are far worse than the flu itself?

The powers that be have done an excellent job of instilling fear into the population so they believe that they must get a shot to stay healthy, but the simple reality is it’s doing you more harm than good.

Each dose of the flu vaccine contains more than 250 times the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit for mercury. If that isn't enough to scare you, here's the other ingredients listed in the flu vaccinations we're all so willing to stand in line for:

  • Formaldehyde -- a known cancer-causing agent
  • Aluminum -- a neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease
  • Triton X-100 -- a detergent
  • Phenol (carbolic acid)
  • Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
  • Various antibiotics: neomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin – which can cause allergic reactions in some people

Now, I don't know about all you, but I'd much rather prevent the flu naturally than inject that big bunch of crap into my body.

If all this isn't enough to make you re-think the flu vaccine, here's some more information. There is emerging evidence that flu shots cause Alzheimer’s disease, most likely as a result of combining mercury with aluminum and formaldehyde. Mercury in vaccines has also been shown to be a contributing factor in autism.

Other serious, and potentially deadly, adverse reactions to the flu vaccine include joint inflammation and arthritis, anaphylactic shock, and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralytic autoimmune disease.

For most people, the flu shot does not prevent illness, but actually does the polar opposite--it weakens your immune system and makes you more predisposed to the illness.

I'm sure you've all seen the commercials informing the public how the 'almighty' flu vaccine saves 30,000+ lives each year. Right?


The 30,000 deaths the CDC is referring to is deaths caused by pneumonia...not influenza. In fact, for all the years I could find information, legitimate flu deaths effected less than 500 people and that was mostly elderly folks with compromised immune systems.

CDC Flu Statistics

The CDC and pharmaceutical companies are fear-mongering to the masses, plain and simple. They have a product they must they make folks believe they'll get sick and die if they don't use said product.

But do these vaccine manufacturers use their own product? Listen and find out:

So what can you do to protect yourself from the flu? Many things....

1. It's no surprise influenze season happens in the heart of winter...when the sun is but a weak blip in the sky and everybody is Vitamin D deficient. If you live in an area where you actually see the sun during the winter months, get outside! Absorb those rays and let your body do the work of making Vitamin D. If you're like me and live in an area where the winter months are perpetually gray, a tanning bed used in moderation is an option. This doesn't mean we're using the tanning bed for a 'dreamy' tan or allowing ourselves to burn to a's all about moderation. If a tanning bed isn't an option, oral Vitamin D is your next best choice. My entire family takes oral Vitamin D.

At this moment, my children take 400 IU's (international units) daily and Doug and I take 1,000 IU's daily.

However, there is developing evidence which shows those dosages are too low to be therapeutic. Instead, they're now recommending 2,000 IU's for children and 5,000 to 10,000 IU's for adults. I'll keep you updated on these developments.

Here's a short video from Dr. Mercola which will give you all the relevant information regarding Vitamin D and the flu.

2. Olive Leaf Extract has been found to be a powerful broad spectrum anti-viral agent, active against all viruses tested, including numerous strains of influenza and para-influenza viruses, according to Dr. Mercola.

My entire family takes Olive Leaf Extract, as well.

For more information about OLE (Olive Leaf Extract), please click here.

3. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet free of sugar.

4. Eat garlic regularly. For more information about why garlic is beneficial, click here.

5. Excercise daily.

6. Get adequate sleep.

7. Make sure you have adequate amounts of essential fatty acids in your diet.

8. Avoid stress.

9. Boost your immune system with a good multi-vitamin, vitamin C, and zinc.

10. Good handwashing is always key in preventing any illness.

I do hope this information is enough to at least give you pause the next time you're debating whether or not to get the flu vaccine. There are other, healthier, safer ways to protect yourself and your loved ones against the flu. Vaccinations are not the answer.

My hope is we all stay healthy this flu season. Here's to continued health...the natural way!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Digestive Enzymes: What's In YOUR Stomach?

Contemplating this blog on the days leading to it's launch, I knew the first entry should be an introduction of sorts. With that completed, I've never been entirely sure about which topic I should write the second entry. It's my belief that one subject isn't more important than another, they're all pieces of the puzzle, yet I kept coming back to the one topic I get the most questions about...digestive enzymes.

  • What are they?
  • How do they work?
  • Are they dangerous?
  • How can they help me?
  • How can they help my child with autism?

Since digestive enzymes are also the first supplement my entire family started taking, I figured this was the perfect 'first' topic for my blog. I hope you all agree.

I'm not a scientist, nor an educator. Nevertheless, I will do my best explaining what digestive enzymes are, how they function within our bodies, and why they're important for all of us. A great deal of this information will be gathered from the website, EnzymeStuff, where you can find everything you want to know about enzymes and more.

What Are Digestive Enzymes and Where Do They Come From?

Enzymes are proteins, made up of amino acids, and are produced by all living organisms. According to, "Enzymes are catalysts that make many essential biochemical reactions ‘happen’ and are not used up or chemically altered in the process. As a catalyst, they help a chemical reaction take place quickly and efficiently. Some reactions would either happen very slowly or not occur at all without enzymes. So a little bit of enzyme can effect a big change.

Enzymes exist in all raw food, including meat. An example, green bananas have amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch to glucose. In a number of days, the amylase converts the raw starch of the banana to sugar, which is why darkened bananas are so much sweeter tasting. Kiwis have an abundance of a protease known as actinidin, which is why you cannot make jello with fresh kiwis. The protease degrades gelatin protein such that it cannot ‘harden’ or set.

Cooking or other types of processing destroys enzyme activity. This is the basis for ‘canning’ of vegetables – the heat destroys the enzymes and this preserves the food. Food enzymes can survive the pH of the stomach (about 4.5 to 5.5) for some time and so can contribute to the digestion of food while in the stomach. Animals, including humans, produce the enzymes they need from amino acids. The more raw food you eat, the less digestive enzymes your body needs to produce (not that eating raw meat is recommended due to risk of bacterial contamination). You can also take enzyme supplements, which come from animals, plants or microorganisms. Your body may recycle digestive enzymes from any source until they wear out. Enzymes in circulation perform many other tasks that assist in restoring and maintaining good health. Eventually, when these enzymes wear out, other enzymes break them down and the body uses the component amino acids for other purposes. They may also be excreted."

How Do Enzymes Work?

Again, according to enzymestuff (because I really feel it's the premier website for digestive enzyme information), "Each type of enzyme has a special function and works in a particular way. Enzymes are essential to every aspect of life and carry out all the daily biochemical functions. They are the basic elements that activate all functions in the body, facilitate reactions that build compounds from the body’s raw materials, transport elements throughout the body, break down substances, and eliminate many unwanted chemicals in the body.

Enzymes are chemicals that facilitate other chemical reactions. Food itself is essentially just a mixture of chemicals that are broken down by enzymes. The released nutrients are the raw materials. Vitamins and other nutrients cannot work in the body by themselves. They require enzymes to transport them throughout the body and make use of them. Enzymes unlock the benefits of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and hormones and put them to work in the body. Enzymes are the workers and assist many biological, chemical, and metabolic reactions, but are not ‘alive’ themselves."

Are Digestive Enzymes Dangerous?

Not in the least. They're not addictive. They're not going to digest your mouth, esophagus, or stomach (if that were the case, the enzymes your body naturally produces would already have eaten you up). Your pancreas will NOT stop functioning if you take enzymes long-term. In fact, taking enzymes actually increase your pancreas' productivity by reducing it's workload.
Digestive enzymes have been around for a LONG time. Their use dates back thousands of years. They're more thoroughly studied then any medicine on the market today. There's no upper limit on dosing...meaning you can safely take enzymes with no worries of toxicity, even children. Dosing isn't based on age or weight, but rather the amount and types of food one eats.

Since we're on the dosage topic, Doug and I started with one capsule per each meal or snack eaten during the day. The kids were introduced more slowly and were only given partial capsules mixed in their juice with meals. We've now increased to two capsules with each meal, plus two before bed to help clean out toxins from our bloodstream. The kids still take just one enzyme per meal, as they tend eat less.

It's best to take enzymes a few minutes before you start eating your meal. If you forget, take them as soon as you remember, even if it's during the meal.

If your child is unable to swallow a capsule, the capsules can be opened and the contents poured into foods or liquids. We primarily use liquids as the mode of enzyme ingestion for our children. We tried hiding the enzymes in food initially, but the enzymes would break down the food proteins and liquefy everything. They definitely do their job! We tried pudding, yogurt, ketchup, sweet n' sour sauce...they were all turned to mush within minutes. A couple food items which do seem to more readily withstand the enzyme attack are marinara sauce and applesauce.

Finally, if you or your child takes an enzyme and then unexpectedly have no opportunity to eat, don't panic. Enzymes are completely safe, full stomach or not.

How Can Digestive Enzymes Help Me?

Proper and complete digestion is essential for good health. Digestive enzymes, used properly, can provide a substantial benefit to most everyone, especially those consuming a great deal of cooked or processed food. Enzymes may ease bloating, gas and heaviness with meals.

Enzymes run every function in our entire body. Digestive enzymes breakdown the food we eat so it can be used as a source of nutrients and a source of energy. Every cell relies on the raw materials provided to the body by digestive enzymes. If you do not have enough enzymes you can develop a vast myriad of illnesses, including cancer. All the food and nutritional supplements you consume will not do any good if they are not sufficiently broken down and absorbed by the body.

How Can Digestive Enzymes Help My Child With Autism?

Because it is well-known many autistic children have severe bowel and elimination issues (please recall Parker's daily bouts with both diarrhea and constipation, as well as the stinky, clay-like stools he was having), it seems quite obvious enzymes can be beneficial to this subset of children. Many autistic kids have leaky-gut syndrome, inflammation of the bowel lining, and yeast issues, all of which contribute to not only their physical well-being, but their mental and emotional well-being as well.

Even if your child is already on an elimination diet (Parker, for instance, is using the gluten and casein free diet for wellness), enzymes can still assist with breakdown, absorption, and elimination. We know food sensitivities also influence behaviors, particularly with autism and AD[H]D, which can then be traced to insufficiently broken down food proteins binding to receptors in the brain and causing various behavioral issues. Can enzymes help?

The answer is yes.

Enzymes can help behaviorally as well. We saw a noticeable difference with Parker after only a week of enzyme therapy, mainly, an awareness of his surroundings we hadn't noticed prior.

Many parents have asked me if they can use enzymes to replace elimination diets. After more research and some soul searching, here's my feelings on this topic, as I considered this option myself at one point:

1. Dr. Pangborn, an expert in autism biochemistry, does not
consider enzymes to be sufficient in protecting the body against
allergens. Enzymes have to match food particles 1:1 in order to digest those
molecules. Anything not matched gets through...just like a food infraction
on an exclusion diet.

2. Enzymes have no effect on other additives in foods
which can harm our kids, such as antibiotics, hormones, preservatives, MSG,
dyes, colors, and artificial sweeteners. By doing exclusion diets, we're
not only eliminating the offending foods, we're also eliminating other offending

In conclusion, I believe an exclusion diet which includes enzyme therapy is perhaps the best route for children on the autism spectrum. We're eliminating the foods which cause a skewed immune response but have back-up protection (the enzymes), if those foods somehow accidentally get through.

Where Can I Find Digestive Enzymes?

This is another issue I researched with great zeal. If we were going to take digestive enzymes, I wasn't going to buy any old crap in a jar. What I found were three very reputable on-line distributors: Kirkman Labs, Houston Nutraceuticals, and Enzymedica. Klaire Labs is also excellent, and probably produces the most hypoallergenic of the enzymes, but they're not available for purchase on-line. I believe you have to call the company to place an order and might even need a doctor's prescription. I'm not certain. Please forgive my ignorance. If any of you try and order from Klair Labs, please fill me in on the outcome.

Kirkman Labs

Kirkman's sell the enzyme product my family uses. We've taken this particular enzyme from the beginning and have never had a single issue.

This is what we use:

This is the other incredibly popular enzyme Kirkman sells:
Enzym-Complete/DPP-IV w/ Isogest

The only difference between the two of these is the enzyme with Isogest offers a more complete carbohydrate breakdown. When I placed my first order, I debated between the two and finally decided to see how we did without the Isogest. If we weren't getting complete results, I'd switch. Luckily, we did see fantastic results from the original Enzym-Complete and I saw no reason to pay the extra money for the fancier version. I will say though, most folks prefer the Isogest edition.

Both of these choices are 'complete' enzymes. This means they contain enzymes which will break down all food groups...carbs, starches, proteins, gluten, dairy, etc.

When selecting an enzyme, always make sure it contains DPP-IV. DPP-IV is a protein that has multiple functions in the body. It is known by different names depending on where it is found. When DPP-IV is on the surface of the T-cell (lymphocyte), it is called CD26 and supports immune function. When this enzyme is found on and embedded on the epithelial brush border mucosal membrane of the intestinal tract lining, it is known as DPP-IV.

The importance of DPP-IV is that it has primary function in breaking down casein and side chain activity in breaking down gluten. Thus, the use of a DPP-IV containing enzyme will support the digestion of casein-containing milk products as well as the protein in gluten-containing grains.

Both of these enzymes are also free of sugar, soy, wheat, casein, gluten, milk, preservatives, yeast, gelatin, flavorings, or colorings. This becomes an issue with some of the cheaper brands you might find in a grocery store or a local Wal-Mart. Often times their products are cheaper, simply because you're buying more fillers than you are enzyme.

Houston Nutraceuticals

Many parents I talk to prefer Houston's enzymes. There are four very popular choices from this distributor. We have tried one of these, the AFP Peptizyde, but Parker actually reacted negatively to it on a couple of occasions. We suspected it was the Aspergillus it contained, a fungal protein. I knew Parker had yeast issues, but yeast wasn't listed as an ingredient on the bottle. However, after further digging, I found this:

This product may not be appropriate for those with known allergies to
Aspergillus enzyme proteins, though non-specific mold allergies do not
necessarily preclude use of fungal enzymes. Consult your medical doctor
for further advice and err on the side of caution. Those with known
anaphylactic allergic reactions to fungal proteins should NOT ingest
fungal-derived enzymes.

I will say though...most kids/adults take this with no issues whatsoever. Doug and I finished that bottle off since Parker couldn't tolerate them and neither of us had any issues at all.

AFP Peptizyde--this enzyme breaks down gluten and casein.
Zyme Prime--this enzyme breaks down carbs and fats
No-Fenol--this enzyme breaks down fruits, veggies, and phenols

So many parents were buying all three options for their children, Houston's finally offered a 3 in 1 enzyme called TriEnza.

TriEnza--the culmination of Peptizyde, Zyme Prime, and No-Fenol. This is similar to Kirkman's Enzym-Complete option. TriEnza is a very popular choice among the autism crowds.


This company deals ONLY in digestive enzymes. They have enzymes for nearly every conceivable health issue. I'll discuss only the most popular selections.

Digest Gold--Enzymedica's version of the 'complete' enzyme.
GlutenEase--We have some of this in our cupboard as I type this. I keep this around for days when it's suspected Parker may have had a dietary infraction. It works quite well.
Kids Digest--The kids version of Digest Gold. I've never tried this, so I can't really comment.

Enzymedica also offers therapeutic enzymes as well...everything from enzymes which help control viruses, to candida (yeast), to mucous. However, since I'm primarily discussing digestion today, we'll stick with those enzymes which aid digestion.

I would happily recommend any of the above enzymes for you or your child's use. The companies are reputable and the product is pure.

In conclusion, I've often heard people say, "Death begins in the colon." I believe this to be true, but only if we choose not to care for our gastrointestinal system. Did you know that 80% of your immune system lies in your gastrointestinal tract?

It does.

That should give you one more reason to want to keep your bowels healthy. This isn't a concern just for the elderly. Both of my children have gut issues and they're age 6 and 4, respectively.

After reading this, if you're still itching for more information, there are two excellent books on enzymes I recommend:

Enzymes For Autism and other Neurological Conditions by Karen DeFelice

Enzymes: Go With Your Gut by Karen DeFelice

Here's to healthy poopies!

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Beginnings

Good morning and welcome to Our Holistic Home on this very relevant day in American history...the inauguration of our first African-American president, Barack Obama.

I'm Bridgett, the mother of an amazing 6-year old son suffering from autism and an adorable 4-year old daughter who's always making me laugh. My husband, Doug, works for an insurance company...oh, the irony! We're an average American family...two cars, a townhouse, a goldfish, a hamster, and three Holland Lop bunnies.

I'm a registered nurse...yes, go ahead and laugh. Conventional medicine and a holistic lifestyle aren't exactly symbiotic. Just one of the many quirks which makes me so lovable. ;o) My professional resume includes renal, urology, and renal transplant medicine, as well as performing peritoneal dialysis on patients; cardiac medicine; and operating room nursing, where I performed both circulating and scrub nurse duties. I took a sabbatical from my 'chosen' profession in 2005 when Parker, my son, was diagnosed on the autism spectrum and my newborn daughter, Autumn, was less than three months old.

Since that long-ago day, many forks have appeared in the road I'm travelling. Forks which have altered the path I always thought my life would take...

I didn't grow up living an exotic lifestyle in any way. I believed in conventional medicine in all it's many facets. I even believed in the vaccination program (but that's a whole other entry).

I no longer do.

I, along with many other parents of autistic children, was told upon my child's diagnosis that nothing could be done.

"Get him some speech and physical therapy, check his hearing, and hopefully he'll progress enough to live a happy life," I was told.

The Parker of 2005 wasn't the happy, giggling, talkative boy he is today. In fact, he literally screamed that entire year. He couldn't verbalize. He went from horrible diarrhea to severe constipation day to day. He cried all night and rarely slept. He wouldn't let us touch him. He didn't know how to play with other children. Loud noises set him off (actually, they still do). Potty training was a dead end.

This was the condition Parker's pediatrician hoped to heal with speech and physical therapy.

Being trained to follow doctor's orders, I did as I was told the first year following his diagnosis. Parker was enrolled in the birth to three program and honestly, we saw very little progress. He wasn't even able to hold a spoon properly so he could feed himself. I would often stay during his therapies and watch him through the window of another room. My little man would spend half his class time standing in the corner and facing the wall because he was too overstimulated by all the noise and commotion. My heart was broken.

Near the end of 2006, I started researching...I wanted to know about any alternative therapies for autism out there. For over two years I researched diets, chelation, HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen therapy), and supplementation. I admit, the information I found intimidated me and prevented me from starting treatment as soon as I should have. The diet information, in particular, made me nervous. Obviously, I'm referring to the GF/CF diet recommended by DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) doctors.

GF/CF = Gluten Free/Casein Free

Gluten is the general name used to describe proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, most oats, and other cereal grains. Gluten is a sticky, elastic component of grains and it's quite hard to digest, even for the healthiest individuals.

Casein is a protein found in milk and milk products, including cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.

The molecular structure of both casein and gluten are similar, therefore they both cause similar symptoms in patients suffering from sensitivities to either protein. Soy also has a similar make-up, so if you're sensitive to casein or gluten, you might want to try eliminating soy as well.

The only foods Parker would eat at this time were cheeseburgers, pizza, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, grilled cheese sandwiches, and chicken nuggets or other breaded meats. Obviously, all were loaded with gluten and casein. He also loved drinking milk and adored yogurt. Children are often drawn to, even addicted, to the foods to which they're most sensitive.

As a mother, how could I possibly consider taking away one of the few comforts my child had? How could I possibly deny him a diet so typical in America that people would look at him with pity if he couldn't partake? How could I take away a basic privilege of being alive...yummy food? Making sure our children are well-fed is quintessential motherhood; one of the many ways we show our children we love filling their tummies.

It was these very thoughts floating through my head which caused my initial hesitation about starting biomedical interventions. I just wasn't ready to 'torment' my boy in that way, despite the many success stories I'd read on-line and heard on television.

It wasn't until this past spring 2008 when I signed Doug and me up for the Green Our Vaccines rally in Washington D.C. that I seriously started considering the diet again. At that time, Parker was six years old, still wasn't potty trained, was talking...but not in full sentences, his words were so garbled, only close family could understand him, and was still very sensory and texturally sensitive. His bowel movements were beyond foul...clay-like and sticky; the smell was horrifying. (This coming from a nurse who's smelled odors which would knock most people over, literally). We'd even had reports from his teachers of aggression against his classmates and episodes of screaming at school. I felt as if major regression was imminent.

As I marched down Independence Avenue in the District of Columbia, heading towards the Capitol Building and chanting 'Green Our Vaccines!' on a beautiful June hit me like a ton of bricks. Here I was surrounded by thousands of parents who'd had the guts to put their children on this diet; parents who had spent every last penny trying to make their children well; parents who researched and consulted doctor after doctor; parents who had never given up...and I'd never felt more at peace. I was with folks who understood the agony of watching your child slip into a state worse than death in many ways...a painful, lonely, silent world. I was also with folks who'd brought their children back from the brink. And when I thought of it in that up some foods in exchange for a 'normal' life, it didn't seem like much of a trade-off.

Immediately upon arriving home, I joined TACA (Talk About Curing Autism) and started researching the diet in depth. Within two weeks, we'd entirely eliminated dairy from Parker's diet. We eliminated gluten more gradually as it's an ingredient in virtually EVERYTHING. We started the diet bright and early on a Monday morning. On Friday morning of the same week, Parker walked into the bathroom, sat on the potty, and pooped in a toilet for the first time in his life. I sobbed. I'd come to realize I wasn't depriving my son of food. I was protecting him from food which was hazardous to his health. Indeed, if your child has a life-threatening peanut allergy, you're going to do everything in your power to keep him away from peanuts. My situation is the same. Parker has sensitivities to gluten and casein so being a responsible parent, I removed the offending foods from his daily menu. His diet today isn't limited in any's simply not full of artificial dyes, preservatives, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and aspartame (or other artificial sweeteners). In short, it's healthy. He still gets chicken nuggets, spaghetti, pizza, fish sticks, hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream, cookies, cake....they're just not the same versions of these foods the average public consumes.

If you'd allow me a brief story....a few weeks ago, I accidentally handed my son a glass of milk meant for his sister. He handed it back to me and said, "Mommy, I can't drink this. It'll make Parker's tummy hurt." That's the first time Parker has acknowledged his awareness of what food was doing to his body. It made me want to weep in pure joy knowing I'd done the right thing for my son.

Because we were unable to see the DAN! doctor for a few months, I decided to start a few of the supplements for Parker on my own. Again I did my research, ordered 20+ books from Amazon, consulted with other parents, and finally decided the gut healing supplements would be the place to start. If Parker's gut was damaged from vaccinations and food sensitivities (and I seriously suspected it was considering the smell and look of his bowel movements), he would be unable to absorb any of the supplements I gave him unless I focused on fixing the gut first. So, I did. Several bottles of digestive enzymes, aloe juice, and probiotics later...Parker was having his first ever healthy the potty....with no accidents. I was a mother with a mission.

Healing Parker's gut not only allowed him to potty train, it also cleared away the fog of pain in his brain and allowed him to truly communicate with us for the first time. Parker was emerging from his autism cocoon and we were finally getting to know our son. The naysayers in my family were silenced by the obvious improvements in Parker's overall well-being. Everybody was amazed when they saw him.

The more I researched, the more I discovered other supplements which could help Parker's particular issues. Every child with autism is different and treatments which work for one child may do absolutely nothing for another. But I spent many hours fine-tuning Parker supplements especially for him.

I knew I wanted to heal his poor, raw gut (the lovely results of vaccinations, antibiotics, and heavy metal overload). ::check:: I added digestive enzymes, probiotics, magnesium, and aloe juice to accomplish this.

I knew I wanted to boost his fried immune system (again, thank you vaccine program). ::check:: I added vitamin C, vitamin D, elderberry extract, olive leaf extract, Mona Vie juice, a multivitamin, and various other vitamins and minerals which helped.

I knew I wanted to treat yeast. ::check:: I added Saccharomyces Boulardii (probiotic), grapefruit seed extract, and biotin to his daily regimen. I limited sugars and starches, which tend to feed yeast, in his diet. I also used activated charcoal capsules to aid with yeast die-off, which worked like a charm.

I started each supplement slowly (usually one supplement every couple weeks) and closely evaluated for both progressions and regressions. I rarely saw regressions. With each supplement, we noticed more and more improvements. I started thinking to myself, "If this biomedical process is helping my son so impressively, why couldn't it help the rest of us too?"

Lo and behold, we each started an individualized plan for ourselves to suit our own needs. And I can honestly say, my family has never been healthier.

Little by little, my thought processes regarding medicine have changed. I've started to see conventional medicine for what it is...a money-making racket for the pharmaceutical industry. Never before in history have doctors been more beholden to Big Pharmacy. I know, just from personal experiences, every time I went to our ex-family physician I'd find at least three pharmaceutical representatives in the waiting room, bearing gifts, and waiting impatiently to cloud the judgement of our doctors with obvious bribes.

Because of this, instead of trying to find the cause of an individuals high cholesterol, doctors carelessly prescribe Lipitor or Crestor or Zocor or whatever drug they're being paid to tout that day, all of which can have deadly side-effects. But did you know cholesterol can be treated just by clearing certain detoxification pathways within your body?

This is just one example of thousands in which our society is being prescribed medication which simply isn't necessary. I'm sure you've all heard about the over-prescribing of antibiotics and the effects it's having on's causing super bugs to develop; infections which are resistant to all antibiotic therapy.

That's scary.

Now that you know how my life journey has led me to this place, let me define holistic medicine for you.

Holistic medicine is a system of health care which fosters a cooperative
relationship among all those involved, leading towards optimal attainment of the
physical, mental emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health. It emphasizes
the need to look at the whole person, including an analysis of physical,
nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle values.
It encompasses all stated modalities of diagnosis and treatment including drugs
and surgery if no safer alternative exists. Holistic medicine focuses on
education and responsibility for personal efforts to achieve balance and well

Other terms associated with Holistic Medicine are: Alternative Medicine, Complementary Medicine, and Natural Healing. You can learn more by visiting this site:

American Holistic Medicine Association

I plan on discussing many topics here and sharing massive amounts of educational information. I'm also willing to take questions and will answer them to the best of my ability. So, if you have any questions, please leave a comment in the comment section of this blog.

I do hope you'll stick around and follow us on our journey to better health...the natural way.